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Selasa, 30 April 2013

Softskill English 2


Promotion tries to bring products to potential customers attention it tells us about prod- ucts, what they do, how they benefit us, and where we can buy them. We are almost al- ways  surrounded by promotion , we cannot get  way  from  it,  whether  it  is  on  TV,  on buses, on the packaging of food we eat, on the internet or in the mail we receive almost every day. Promotion does have benefits for consumers;
   •  it allows us to find out about new prod- ucts
  keeps us informed and up to date about product launches and updates,
   allows  us  to  make  informed  choices about the goods we consume,
•   pays  for    free  to  view  TV  (ITV)  and much of the content on Internet
•   keeps thousands of people employed.

Types of Promotion
So how do firms promote their products? Try listing different forms of promotion, it would be surprising if you list less than 20. With so many ways of promoting products it is useful to be able to group these different methods. One way of sub dividing the types of promo- tion is to group them into, Above the Line, and Below the Line

Above the line promotion

Involves a direct appeal to the customer. Above the line promotion is what is generally called advertising. This will include posters, TV adverts, radio ads, newspaper ads and so on
Advertising is carried out through various media, the most important being TV, maga- zines, newspapers, radio, posters, and of in-

creasing importance, the Internet. The choice
of media used depends upon a number of fac- tors, these include.
          Target market - who are the firm trying to sell to?
          Whether the objective is to convey in- formation or another type of message - will  the  product  sell  only  when  people fully understand its function e.g. digital radios, or do people buy on impulse e.g. chocolate bars?
          Cost - what types of promotion can we af- ford, for many small businesses this is the  first  question  they  ask  about  any form of promotion
          The product—is the product suited to a certain type of promotion, for example is the best way to promote replacement double glazing, through personal selling door to door or by an advert in the local paper?
What types of media would suit the following products and services?

Low cost Air Travel -

Launch of a new family Ford car- New Iphone-
House Insurance -

Aunt Bessies frozen puddings - Newly opened take-away restraint - Nationwide Carpet Retailer - Below the line promotion. 
This type of pro-motion encourages consumers to buy now, and make an immediate saving or a potential fi- nancial gain. Below the line uses   product packaging, money off coupons, point of sale promotions  and  competitions.  Ring tones and music videos on cell phones are helping the enter- tainment industry to promote bands or a movies for much lower cost than compared to above the line promotion

For the examples below of below the line promotion add products or services that might be suitable for each of the types.

personal selling packaging special offers
direct or junk mailing sampling

Point of sale promotions

For many of the consumer products you will find in supermarkets, below the line promo- tion is used only for short-term periods, so offers and promotions come and go. But for other products such as industrial goods and financial services, personal selling plays long term role in product sales development. Also special offers seem to be the standard sales method in industries such as double glazing,

and junk mailing is a must for banks and insur-
ance companies.

Persuasive and Informative Promotion

In these  exam- ples of promo- tion we can see a division of the type of adver- tising   message . One type of message sells the product through image, or style, or the aspirations of the po- tential buyer - this is known as persuasive advertising. The other type of advertising mes- sage, provides factual information on the product informative advertising. Most products will use a  combination of the  two  types, and the type of media will to a large extent determine whether the  emphasis  is on persuasive or informative. Also certain products lend themselves
to one or the other, ice cream brands- persuasive, computers - informative.

Whichever form or forms of promotion are used, it must be relevant to the business and the product. Remember the most expensive forms of promotion, such as national TV, or na- tional newspapers are  often options open to only the largest businesses, and most small local businesses will have to make do with the low cost alternatives

Group Exercise
As part of a marketing team, you have been given the task of deciding how and where to promote Dalek mask toys for Christmas. Money is tight, and time is short. You need to design one or two forms of promotion based on what you think are the best types of me- dia to use. You could consider posters, news- paper /magazine ads. You should also decide whether you’re a is going to be persuasive or informative—or perhaps a combination of the two.

Homework Exercise
Select 4 adverts from local and national newspapers, plus 4 examples of direct mail and leaflets. Group them into informative and persuasive types of promotion, or a mix of the two. For 2 of the adverts explain why the media used was chosen.

Past Paper Questions

The photograph above shows a chemist’s shop near a doctor’s surgery. It is alongside a main road which runs through a large housing es- tate on the outskirts of a Welsh town. The shop is a co-operative retail business. Explain ways in which   businesses,   such   as   co-operatives, can use the marketing mix to sellmore goods

Sumber : groups.haas.berkeley.edu/marketing/PAPERS/PRIYA/Paper5